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[{"authorId":"1734917","name":"Junaid Qadir"}]






Engineering education is constantly evolving to keep up with the latest technological developments and meet the changing needs of the engineering industry. One promising development in this field is the use of generative artificial intelligence technology, such as the ChatGPT conversational agent. ChatGPT has the potential to offer personalized and effective learning experiences by providing students with customized feedback and explanations, as well as creating realistic virtual simulations for hands-on learning. However, it is important to also consider the limitations of this technology. ChatGPT and other generative AI systems are only as good as their training data and may perpetuate biases or even generate and spread misinformation. Additionally, the use of generative AI in education raises ethical concerns such as the potential for unethical or dishonest use by students and the potential unemployment of humans who are made redundant by technology. While the current state of generative AI technology represented by ChatGPT is impressive but flawed, it is only a preview of what is to come. It is important for engineering educators to understand the implications of this technology and study how to adapt the engineering education ecosystem to ensure that the next generation of engineers can take advantage of the benefits offered by generative AI while minimizing any negative consequences.



A. 重要性:文档首先强调了批判性思维的重要性,指出ChatGPT等NLP模型的出现使得提出正确问题的能力比回答问题更为重要。这部分还提到了DALL-E等工具的有效使用取决于提问和提示的质量,因此提示工程成为了一门重要的科学。

B. ChatGPT技术:这一部分讨论了ChatGPT和其他AI工具对教育的潜在风险,包括抄袭、过度依赖、错误信息和隐私问题。

C. 教育的未来:文档提出了在ChatGPT等工具普及的情况下,学校和大学应如何教育年轻学习者,使其能够负责任、高效地使用这些技术。

D. 传统课程和评估的命运:这一部分讨论了传统的家庭作业是否会因ChatGPT而过时,以及教师应如何适应这一变化。

E. 教师的新技能:文档指出,随着ChatGPT等工具对学生更为便捷地获取,教师需要理解如何有效地将这些工具融入教学实践中。

F. 教师和学生的应用:这一部分分别讨论了ChatGPT对教师和学生的用途。

G. 大学教育的调整:文档探讨了生成式和对话式AI工具如GPT对大学教育的影响,特别是教学和评估方面的变化。

H. 检测抄袭:最后一部分讨论了ChatGPT的合理使用与抄袭之间的区别,以及如何区分二者。


Chat Paper

